Saturday, January 25, 2014

Black Luke and the Wight.

  Black Luke sat almost peacefully in the 'Root Cellar' Inn common room, he looked over at the old dwarf warrior talking to Varek.
Varek then comes over and sits down and orders an ale, "He say the diggers should be here on the morrow, they bringing shoring, and we gonna need to escort them to the site because of the ogre slavers, 10 gold per digger, 60 in all, double in case of death."

"I see, and how long?" asks Black Luke.

"They think 8 hours, and after they finish, Esmeralda wants to camp in the first level, so we can start bright and early, she also wants to hire some guards to be on the outside to guard the exit."

Black Luke nods, "Good, getting jumped on the way out was getting old."

  The next day the elven sisters told Black Luke that escort services were going to be done by the Guardians of Willowwood, so he only needed to be on site for the over night camp, also that Magandella, Marsha and Rose would go with him that afternoon to get supplies for the excursion.

  The evening came, Black Luke and companions arrived with the supplies, lots of oil, and meals for the workers and guards. Half the guards were leaving in the morning with the diggers, all except one digger, a Halfling named Henery, who agreed to assist the group for extra pay.
  The morning came with out bother, the elven sisters keeping a watch in shifts, then Henery cooked the brerakfast, soon after they were at the new tunnel in the pool chamber, they passed thru it with Black Luke checking along for any deadfalls, and Varek inspecting the stonework. Coming to a 'T', they chose to turn right and there after a great stone door fell, blocking the way, with no way to lift it in evidence they moved on, finding long abandoned crypts and rooms with green slime or spiked pits.
  Soon they found a room with a large wheel that when turned lifed the stone door but also reset a moving wall trap and the group was split up, with Henery being crushed to death by the wall and Black Luke with Zac Anton also apparently killed, But unknown to the elves they fell thru a trap door into another chamber, where then Zac Anton confronted a wight and then that killed him.

Black Luke stared at the wight, then spoke in the language old, old from the fall,
the tongue of tyrants, Law twisted to Evil. "What is wanted, for to live myself?"

The wight hissed, "Words of old, not herd in ages, you have spoken, that said is bond of law, oath/make slay the other ancient, the vampire,
the chaos must be undone, oath this, and live."

"Oath this, the vampire, will be undone." spoke Black Luke.

"In the other crypt it waits, slay its lusts, and I will have peace." said the wight.

"Crawl." the word was softly herd, as the wight sank and pointed to a small dark hatch that must be the way out.

Black Luke crawled thru the tunnel feeling sharp pains from the biting worms untill he climbed upward and out of a hole behind the wall in the old orc knight's chamber.

He could hear Magandella crying over her lost companions

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